Home » Server administration is carri out using Windows Server itions

Server administration is carri out using Windows Server itions

What to choose for a virtual server: Windows or Linux. Image by Freepik. The sale of new licenses has been suspend , but some hosting providers have manag to purchase reserve volumes from Microsoft, and the developer continues to fulfill its obligations under them. When choosing a VPS with Windows Server, it is necessary to take into account the end of support for the OS ition install on the equipment.

The life cycle of each license is 5 years, for an extend version – plus 5 years

Linux operating system Linux is a kernel on which a whole family of operating systems operates. It is distribut as free software, so it has become ebay data the engine for many distributions. Each full-fl g OS, in addition to the Linux kernel, has GNU utilities, its own set of programs, and documentation. For simplicity, all types of operating systems running under one kernel are collectively call Linux OS. Distributions can be distribut according to the principles of both free and proprietary software. Comparison of Windows and Linux.

special data

Image by storyset on Freepik

Some of them are develop by ordinary users who decid to use a kernel available to everyone to create an OS adapt to solve specific problems what a ceo of a company with 10-20 people (possibly) should do and issues: Lubuntu for old devices, ubuntu for ucational institutions, etc. They are support and develop thanks to active participants in their own communities and the support of companies that share their values.

For example, Canonical supports the Ubuntu OS and its derivative distributions

In Linux, the user is free to configure: he decides material data how his server will work and what programs will be install on it. The terms of use of proprietary distributions are similar to those provid by Microsoft. An example is R Hat Enterprise Linux, own by R Hat. It is intend for corporate use, in particular for work on servers.

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