Home » What a CEO of a company with 10-20 people (possibly) should do

What a CEO of a company with 10-20 people (possibly) should do

I almost remember the exact words. It was at one of the First Tuesdays where Carlos Blanco himself told me that I had to create a blog and start writing. Almost 15 years later I am still here. It also coincided with the moment I opened a Twitter account. In a short time I reached almost 40k followers. Since then I have been losing year after year.

It was also the moment

when I almost started spamming people on LinkedIn. In a short time I reached more than 10,000 people but apart from the quantity I have telegram database users list not generated anything of quality in that time. Also because I did not get serious about it at that time.


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In summary

I was very active on networks and I had my blog that had more and more readers.
I went to many networking events to generate contacts for potential clients.
I was on LinkedIn but first there is the license number apart from creating connections I did not do much.
Have I generated business from all this? For Coguan I would say very little. For me personally after closing Coguan much more. In fact it was my main source of income. Quondos was born as a result of that.

What I do today

I haven’t counted them all but I don’t think we’ve reached ten people, although we’ll be close.

I’m still blogging: as you can see. The truth is that it’s more for me. It’s my CEO diary if you like. Isn’t keeping a diary so fashionable? Well, I’ve been doing it for almost 15 years now.
I’ve taken up LinkedIn again: but at usa data half speed. It’s more of a hobby. I feel like a novice. Each “like” brings you a little joy. The best thing of all is that my ego doesn’t sink if most of the posts barely have any interactions.
That’s all and it’s very little I must admit. I may have to improve that aspect. Or maybe not?

What for me is the perfect path

I don’t think you can be a very visible CEO of a small company and at the same time have a business that’s booming. Either one thing or the other. Are there exceptions? Of course, as with almost everything.

As a general rule I don’t think it’s a good strategy. You can’t do two things at once with great enthusiasm and strength. The content marketing game is brutal, and I mean it. Do you really want to be glued to your phone every three minutes to see if you’ve received a new “like”? Do you want to stay awake in bed because of that negative comment you received at noon that now keeps you awake?

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