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When writing your product descriptions

Amazon Product Dimension Size Choosing the When writing right images can lead to more conversions for your business. 4. Use backend keywords  you want to avoid overusing keywords to the point that it sounds unnatural. You want to rank for these keywords, but how can you do it without stuffing them into your description? Amazon allows you to enter backend keywords — terms you want to rank for that do not appear in your product descriptions.

Backend keywords have a limit to the number

If you had a listing for “closet organizer,” you indonesia telegram data may have keywords like “hanging closet organizer” or “shoe organizer” that you want in your listing. You can enter these terms as backend keywords in order to boost your rankings.  of bytes you can use for your keywords. Amazon recently restricted the byte limit to 249 bytes. What does this mean? Each letter and symbol accounts for a certain number of bytes.

Focus on the best backend keywords for your listing

A-Z and 0-9 account for 1 byte. Symbols like the euro sign, €, account for 3 bytes. Amazon previously only counted letters, numbers, and symbols towards the byte count. Now, they include spaces, hyphens, and commas in your byte count. This means you must be particular about the keywords you choose for your product listing.  Adding backend keywords can help your listings appear in multiple, relevant search results without bogging down your descriptions.

Earn reviews Amazon wants to deliver a positive

5.  user experience and show products people want to purchase. Because of this, Amazon ranks products with positive reviews at the top of search results. If you want to get your listing to the top of the results, you need to earn reviews. Typically, products with 4+ stars rank at the top of the search results. When customers purchase your products, invite them to review the product on your Amazon listing.

When you garner more reviews

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The more positive reviews you earn, the higher this process has certain specific your listings will rank. Not only are reviews great for boosting your Amazon SEO ranking, they help you earn more conversions, too. People look to reviews to see if they should purchase a product. it’s more feedback for you to improve your product, and it helps your future customers decide to buy. 6. Optimize descriptions Amazon has two sections that allow you to write product descriptions.

Amazon SEO Bullet Paragraph Example

The first section you’ll see is a bulleted ca cell numbers list.  1024x674In this bulleted section, you can list product benefits and key features. It’s a great place to integrate valuable keywords, too. Further down on the product page, there’s a product description where you can dive into more detail about your product — and of course, target those keywords. Optimizing your product descriptions will help your audience fully understand your products and allow your business to earn more conversions.

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