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Usually I set myself about professional

goals and 1 or 2 personal goals. What I like about the 12 week year is that you review your progress each week, score your achievements and analyse where you are going wrong or experiencing pitfalls. Even if you don’t want to try it out, the book is still well worth a read, I find. In order to stay on top of my task list I use a number of tools.

I’ve been using Todoist for

over a year now, after reading the Productivity Ninja but I am self employed database now considering to use Toodledo and I’m a bit torn between the two. Both are available as apps and can be synched across all your devices, they have email add ons, so you can create tasks directly from within your email client, which is quite a neat functionality. Which one I will use moving forward, is unclear but it’s definitely important to have one tool which

Use the pomodoro

technique Ever since I introduced the pomodoro timer app into my life, I work in 25 minute sprints. If you get easily distracted, which often happens in agency environments or as a business owner, this is the way forward for you. Set a timer for 25 minutes and dive into your work. After 25 minutes you get a 5 minute break, after 4 pomodoros, you get a 15 minute break. I usually work through the 5 minute breaks, often 60 minutes are a more realistic timeframe for most of my tasks but breaking them up into 25 or 30 minute sprints, keeps you on top and gives you a sense of achievement.

Other great apps are also

Marinaratimer where you are able to custom set your timers. There is also the Pomodoneapp.com, which can be set up through Chrome extension. Outsource the time sucking tasks If your company isn’t big enough to employ a full time PA or office manager, don’t despair. There are many Virtual Assistant services out there that can help. I personally use Time etc.. A VA service that works straight from web browser or app.

What I like about them

special data

is that you can add your tasks on the fly.  All VAs that I use are based in the US, which has benefits, as well alternatives to hubSpot as drawbacks. On the one hand they can work while you sleep but if you require further information or changes, you need to wait a lot longer. If you are looking for a more personalised service then you can get in touch with ValueAdd Business Solutions who are based in Glasgow.

Not sure what you could outsource

Claire Mitchell of The Girls mean business has put together a handy guide of 45 items that you could outsource to a Virtual Assistant or Off your plate: Why you loan data should hire a virtual assistant today by Karl Sakas. Check them out. Find out what takes up too much of. Your time Like everyone else I have quite often the feeling that I’ve bee. Working a long day but haven’t really achieved much.

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