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Marketing towards the Partner

What action would you recommend you take?
There are different tactics that you can implement with third parties, which will depend on the focus of the negotiation. To clarify this point, it is important that you know the different types of Partner Marketing. A This is the previous step to formalizing the relationship with a third party  . A and includes all the actions that are carried out to contact them . A and tell them about the great proposal : establishing a Partnership. It consists of showing  . A them why they should partner with your brand.

You must know the market in which your potential allies are located very well in order to know how to generate value in your proposal. Likewise, it is advisable to include Calls To Action (CTA) after all the benefits, so that they schedule a meeting  advertising database or give you a counterproposal.

It is also often useful to include a PDF document with some previous actions you have carried out with other Partners, a review of your company and even examples of how alliances have been beneficial for both parties on past occasions.

Another very good strategy is to make

advertising database

A your most important Partners known , just as we do in Doppler in our Partners section . This will help increase the trust of your potential Partners.

b. Marketing with the Partner

To carry out a co-marketing campaign , for example, involving an event, it is necessary to define each stage with the other party: pre, during and post event . Choosing a template that both parties share through social media is a good practice, as this will align them as brands and generate impact from both communities.

At this stage, it is important to clarify the different ways of  0. A capturing leads so that the marketing action can be fully exploited.

Another aspect to define would be the documentation and dissemination of the event . Will it be shared on social media? Will it be broadcast via  . A TV or streaming? Will it be recorded and then th . A e video will be accessible after the event ends? If you are going to send post-event material , remember to include a Call to Action in the email so that they can try the service or product offered by each brand.

Some alternatives that often work very well for joint events are success  your website – easy and free to apply  stories , live demonstrations of how to integrate both products/services and presentations of good practices in each area. The latter is usually extremely attractive for those interested in the sector.

c. Marketing through the Partner

Within this category is Affiliate Marketing , where the third party acts as  ws data  a bridge to promote your product, often keeping a commission. Meanwhile, on your side, you gain leads that know your products .

You can also choose to send a free resource to your Subscriber base in exchange for new leads. These are common tactics that help increase awareness of your brand.


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