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Best practices for monitoring your brand’s e-reputation
Yuriana Coss
Yuriana Coss
He is a marketer by profession but digital at heart. He works as an Inbound Marketer at @Digimind_Es

Wrote 2 posts



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How do I analyse my brand’s online reputation ? Which actors should I take into account ? Is my monitoring spectrum exhaustive? How do I react to a reputation crisis ? These are some of the questions you have probably asked yourself when trying to analyse what is being said about your brand on Social Media and the Internet .

Digital reputation is a story of footprints that develop on the web. It is made up of the brand image that an Internet user builds in his mind based on all the content he finds on the web : on Twitter , in forums, during a Google search , through reviews from friends on Facebook , etc.

There are many factors that influence this reputation

From the reviews and opinions that users and journalists leave on the web about your products or services to the brand’s website, everything communicates and contributes a grain of sand to the generation of the brand image .

Do you want to know how to effectively monitor and manage your brand’s e-reputation? You’ve come to the right place! Find out which methodology and tools you should use for effective monitoring.

The evolution of e-reputation
Due to the proliferation of new online channels of expression , e-rep best craigslist alternative in buffalo  utation management has undergone a significant transformation. The volume of information generated on the Internet is such that now more than ever, it is necessary to establish a clear methodology and processes to carry out adequate listening and analysis of your brand’s online reputation.

Currently, a brand’s online reputation can be analyzed from three dimensions:Design your re ws data  putation management process
Managing e-reputation involves many factors, stakeholders and especially the actors involved in your organization. As with any monitoring and analysis project , it is necessary to describe the stages of the process.


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