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I absolutely loved my job and I worked

I absolutely loved my job and I worked my way up from letter carrier to my current position in communications in Sacramento, CA. But before my ascension to my current position, I delivered mail, walking from door to door every day. It was a job I loved. It provided me with a great team of co-workers, good income, the benefits of working outdoors and interacting with great customers on a daily basis. One day while I was delivering mail, I noticed the postage stamp.

I had seen one every day for nearly the past

That day for some strange reason, it made me think. It made me think of its purpose. I wouldn’t come back to that thought until years later when I was contemplating suicide, after my mom’s death. I reflected on the one main purpose of the postage stamp. Yes, it allows your mail to be delivered, but its main purpose is to stick to its recipient until its job is complete.

The postage stamp never deviates from its purpose.

It has only one goal and it fervently sticks to its goal until it is realized. The postage stamp never ever gives up. Henry Wheeler Shaw said it best. He said: “Consider the postage stamp. It secures success through its ability to stick to one thing overseas chinese in australia till it gets there.” That one statement got me to thinking. If the postage stamp has but one purpose in life and it never strays from that purpose, then how could I stray from mine? How could I end my life before.

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I accomplished my purpose and achieved my goals?

How could I just give up? Over the next several weeks, I would come back to this analogy again and again. It never left my mind. As I began lead magnetic funnel: how to create one in 7 steps to contemplate my purpose, my thoughts of suicide subsided. I was always an avid reader, so when I read that it only takes 21 days to form a new habit, I decided to do something unheard of.

I decided to get up at 4 a.m. for 21 days

Straight and go to the gym before I went to work, that was in 2009 and today, in 2017, I still keep up the same routine. I credit the postage stamp tg data with saving my life. When you think of something saving your life, a postage stamp doesn’t exactly come to mind. But, for me, the postage stamp helped to reorient my thinking.

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