Home » Hyperlocal delivery: principles, trends, cases

Hyperlocal delivery: principles, trends, cases

What is hyperlocal delivery?
Imagine that you just came back from the supermarket, where you bought groceries for the week, and now you are going to cook dinner. But something is missing. It turns out that you forgot the onion. You don’t want to leave the house just for it, so you open the Yandex.Go app or the same “Samokat” and place an order. In 15 minutes, the onion is yours.

Hyperlocal delivery


is delivery directly from the seller to the buyer within a limited geographic area. As a rule, within a radius of 5-15 km.

Since the delivery perimeter is small, its main USP is speed. Couriers oman phone number data strive to deliver the order as quickly as possible.

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usually it takes from 15-30 minutes to 6-8 hours maximum. Today, in addition to convenience, this model can solve a number of other problems.

Why is this relevant now?

Hyperlocal delivery has acquired special importance in the context of the pandemic, when it is so important to find ways to maintain social distancing and at the same time prevent the economy from collapsing.

Supporting the local economy. Experts draw disappointing conclusions about the situation in the world, but this is a global view of things. Now it is important to realize that the whole consists of parts. The hyperlocal delivery model can help create small self-sufficient economies.

Small business support. Globalization, with all its advantages, is not the fairest market condition. Localization allows small businesses to offer customers a convenient service – and become more successful.

Elimination of intermediaries


Intermediaries are one of the main reasons that hinder small businesses. Let’s take farmers. Stores do not always pay them a fair price and inflate the margin. As a result, customers pay more than they need, and producers receive less than they deserve. Hyperlocal delivery can connect consumers and producers directly – and reduce artificial inflation in the economy.

In addition, the COVID-19 outbreak has caused serious panic among consumers, forcing them to change how to correctly create a log type? their behavior and switch to online orders for essentials. In these conditions, online stores can only deliver goods in a shorter time. Which brings us back to the hyperlocal delivery model.

How does hyperlocal delivery work?
The business model involves three parties: suppliers (local manufacturers or retailers), aggregators, and consumers. Here’s how they might interact.

Inventory-based model. The aggregator receives products thailand data directly from brands and creates their inventory. It must constantly monitor customer demand and manage inventory. This allows for faster delivery speeds and better quality control, but the cost of starting such a model is high — and it’s difficult to scale.
Aggregator model. This is essentially Uber’s business model: the aggregator acts as a facilitator.

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