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How to pitch marketing services to doctors

A generic pitch might land your email straight in the trash, because majority of medical office owners value professionalism, specificity, and clarity.

So, how do you craft a cold email that not only grabs their attention but also pushes them to respond?

In this article, Richard, CEO of Provoke Agency, dives into bulk email marketing services a real-world example and reveals critical mistakes to avoid, ensuring your pitches resonate with doctors.

Cold email mistakes to avoid if you want to book more meetings


bulk email marketing services

Here’s a cold email that targets medical office owners to pitch marketing services

Let’s see what mistakes Richard recommends you avoid for more replies:

Mistake #1: Inappropriate greeting

Since this email is targeting doctors, starting your email with “Hey there” might come off as unprofessional. Always ensure to align your email greeting to your target audience.


Cold email template to replicate for more replies

That’s why I’ve created DFY service that {{value statement}}. A private content marketing company that that helps medical offices grow up by how to create a style guide for your website design creating videos for social media increasing their online presentation more clients.

I made a personalized video showing how you can actually do this on our own to get ahead of the competition especially in {{LOCATION}}.
Mind if I send it over?


Selling courses online: understand your sales funnel

Before we get into the funnel talk, there’s a super important point we all need to understand.

The world does NOT need another course.

Plus, all the information is already free.

It makes more sense to ask Google to answer fans data questions for me. Approximately 10-20% of the content we’ll see for any query will be pretty awesome.

Regardless, the courses that will keep winning people’s trust (mine as well) and be profitable are those that provide MORE value than Google can.

Using cold email outreach to sell online courses

Cold email outreach represents an excellent channel to generate and nurture your leads.

For each stage in your funnel, you can come up with clever email sequences to drive interest, push people further down, and eventually close them.

I had a few interesting conversations with a few users who are selling courses.

Some of these templates are modified versions of what they’ve used in the past or I’ve leveraged them in a slightly different context. But all of them I think can bring fire to your world.

Let me know what you think.

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