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Focus on the experience, not the product

Normally, we like to believe that we are unique, that we belong to select groups that not everyone can access. We want to be made to feel special and this is one of the keys not only to attracting customers but also to retaining current ones, so exclusivity aligned with scarcity and urgency will be a great ally.

Sense of belonging
Sharing on your brand’s social networks how a certain num accurate mobile phone number list ber of people are enjoying your product or service will generate a feeling in whoever sees it that they also need it , it will make them feel excluded from a certain community and as social beings that we are, we like to be part of it.


accurate mobile phone number list

It is a technique based on creating relevant content about a brand, taking advantage of current news , so that the media can echo it and help create brand awareness and buzz. Go ahead and try it! You will be surprised how well it works.

How to measure and optimize results?
Once you have implemented your Content Marketing strategy, it is important to measure the results to know which points you can optimize. Keep the following factors in mind:

Traffic and reach

Use tools like Google Analytics to measure the number of visits to your website. Keep in mind that it is not just about having a lot of visits, but about the visits being the right ones, that is, they can convert into a sale, a product reservation, a newsletter subscription, etc.

Lead Generation
Is your strategy capable of generating a quality database that allows you to convert your visitors into clients? Measure the percentage of leads generated by each content and you will be able to predict which types o your website – easy and free to apply f content will bring you closer to your objective.

CTRClick Through Rate

(CTR) is a ratio that represents the number of people who clicked  . A o ws data n a link compared to the number of impressions. For each time a piece of content is displayed, how many conversions do you recor .  This allows you to know not only which content generates the most engagement , but also which one generates the most sales.

Conversion rate

Before putting these recommendations into practice, do you want to  review each tip to consolidate your ideas? Watch the complete presentation that Juan Merodio used for his Webinar.


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