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Everything he does must be aesthetically beautiful

When a person’s lower lip is normal and the upper lip is thin, then the person does not like to talk about his personal life. The thinner the nose, the more sensitive the senses. If a person has loose ears, then the person is an individualist. About the human body: Small people usually have Napoleon syndrome. They want to have big cars, tall wives. Such a client should be put on a pestal and prais as much as possible.

Then he will feel better

The seller should not dominate, salute from above, show that he is taller or stronger. The larger the human body, the more complexes are hidden rich people number data there. For larger people, family and relationships are very important. They like to make personal connections. The seller should try to build a better relationship with them because then they feel better. The larger the body mass, the lazier the person. The seller must present everything in such a way that he will do everything for the buyer.

special data

The seller shows initiative as much as possible

Gifts, especially sweets, have a special meaning for a larger body. The thinner the human body, the more control there is inside, the more how to analyze numbers or anything else without being a data expert tension. The seller cannot use a dominance strategy. There can be no pressure because this body nes to control the situation.

Such a buyer likes when the seller is fast

The size of the beer belly shows how bulk lead lazy a person is. Then the seller emphasizes that everything will be done for him. All those who have a humpback are very honest, keep their word in an exemplary manner and demand the same from others. They are prone to war, dominance is always manifest. Left-hand people are more creative. About a person’s clothing: If a person wears black, then he wants to control.

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