Home » Error 404 determines the success of a web project

Error 404 determines the success of a web project

Reasons for the error “Error 404” is an error relat to the lack of content at the URL specifi in the user’s request. It can be caus by work relat to changing the site structure, updating information on the site, broken links, typos when manually entering the site address, r irect errors and a long browser cache update. Let’s look at each reason in more detail. Updating the website architecture is moving web pages to a new address, for example, to a new section.

Ensure that the site does not contain outdat

Data that cannot be useful to visitors – deleting web pages. Broken links – transitions through internal and external links that lead visitors to chinese overseas africa number data URLs that were valid before the web pages were mov (to a new section) or the entire site (during rebranding). Errors when entering a URL – specifying an incorrect data transfer protocol (without an SSL certificate), specifying an extra prefix (www) in the site address, a typo in the domain, including in the domain zone.

special data

Incorrect r irect settings – errors in the .htaccess file? incorrect choice of r irect type

Navigating to a site from browser history why we lost our growth rate in August after changing page URLs – cach . Server failures – shutdown, network failures. How does the 404 error affect a website? Error 404 may not cause serious consequences and concerns if it occurs on one and not frequently visit web page. However, if the unpleasant situation for visitors is repeat regularly and often, the audience will start to leave the web resource and go to competitors.

SEO Search engines analyze user behavior

On the site and on the search material data results page. Errors force users to leave the web resource after opening the first web page, which leads to a high bounce rate. In addition, continuing to search for a suitable web resource has a negative impact on ranking. E-commerce For online stores, the 404 error can cause the loss of potential customers.

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