Home » Checklist: How to Turn a Lead into a Client

Checklist: How to Turn a Lead into a Client

A sales funnel is the path a user takes from the first contact with a brand to making a purchase. Knowing what stages a potential client goes through, you can more effectively lead them to a purchase.

At each stage of the funnel, the user wants to receive different offers. Therefore, let’s consider working with a lead step by step. Let’s take the sale of a camera as an example.

Stage 1. Attracting traffic

To attract leads, you need to select a target audience and make the canada phone number data user want to go to the site. To do this, you need to work with the main channels for attracting traffic. Here are the most basic ones.

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SEO optimization or search engine promotion. It includes a wide range of activities: optimizing the site code.

Creating unique product descriptions with the inclusion of keywords, collecting site semantics, working with external links.

If at first learning SEO methods seems difficult, then it makes sense to hire a good specialist.

Contextual advertising in Google and Yandex. Allows you to attract potential customers to the site, who, in turn, are interested in the goods and services of your company. The user enters a thematic query and an advertisement for your.

Product or service appears on the pages in search engines.

What does contextual advertising and

Contextual advertising is a tool for working with hot customers who are interested in making a purchase as soon as possible. Seeing an advertisement, the user immediately clicks on it. Provided that the settings are correct, most of these clicks are converted into a target action: leaving contacts, applying, placing an order.

Social networks. At the time of launching an online business, you should already have pages created in popular social networks: VKontakte.

Facebook, Instagram and Odnoklassniki. To attract leads from social networks, you first need to develop the accounts themselves, and then, when activity appears, you can attract an audience to your site in different ways.

This can be helped by publishing posts with links to the online store, designing action why would you use a cell phone buttons with a link, publishing stories on Instagram with a call to go to the site. This way, you will get visitors who are already disposed towards you for free.

There is also paid promotion in social networks – through targeted advertising. This is when the ad is configured according to various criteria.

geography, gender, age, interests. Unlike contextual advertising, through thailand data targeting you can attract a wider target audience that may be interested in a product/service, but not know about them. Targeting allows you to tell potential customers about a product, goods or service, attract their attention and persuade them to buy.

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